Our Team

Stephen Hamm


Experience with:

  • Startups
  • Pharma corporate development
  • Pharma marketing (including Lamictal BPD launch)
  • Therapeutic area (Psych, Neuro, Derm)

Mike Burrows

Commercial Strategy

Experience with:

  • Pharma new product planning, corporate development and marketing
  • Therapeutic area (Psych, Neuro, Resp, Anes, Pain, Rare)

Jon McDunn

Clinical and Science

Experience with:

  • President Project Data Sphere
  • Clinical research and diagnostic development
  • Biotech, academia and non-profit
  • Therapeutic area (Oncology, Metabolic, Critical Care)

John Bass


Experience with:

  • Cofounder of several startups with executive level leadership roles
  • AI decision support system development
  • Product development leadership

Frequently asked questions

What is a Prescription Digital Therapeutic? 

A prescription digital therapeutic (PDT) is a software-based treatment that a healthcare provider prescribes to manage or improve a medical condition. Instead of traditional medications or therapies, PDTs are accessed through digital devices like smartphones, tablets, or computers. They are designed to deliver evidence-based interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness exercises, and educational programs tailored to specific health needs.

PDTs require a prescription from a healthcare professional and are regulated to ensure safety and effectiveness. They are part of the growing field of digital health interventions aimed at complementing traditional medical treatments.

Prescription digital therapeutics represent a promising frontier in healthcare innovation. As the digital health landscape continues to evolve, PDTs are poised to play a pivotal role in improving health outcomes and shaping the future of healthcare delivery.

What is it like to live with Bipolar Disorder?

Watch the following short video describing life with BPD - including her first manic episode that led to her diagnosis. This video was produced by National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).